This country profile is part of a collective effort by the network members to map matching practices across Europe. If you find it useful and want to refer to it in your own work, please refer to it as “Slava Bronfman, Avinatan Hassidim, Gideon Kalif, and Assaf Romm (2017), Matching practices for entry-labor markets – The Israeli Medical Internship Match, MiP Country Profile 25.”
Relevant country background
In Israel there are roughly 500 medical school graduates each year. These graduates must participate in a one-year long internship program before they receive their medical degrees. There are also 200 additional graduates who complete their medical studies abroad but wish to practice medicine in Israel and are required to participate in an internship as well. For this purpose, each student is assigned to one out of 24 hospitals across the country (the number of hospitals that are eligible to receive interns may change from time to time). The number of students assigned to each hospital is proportional to the average number of patients in that hospital, except for hospitals located at the periphery of the country which receive more interns than their proportional quota. The hospitals vary in their location, working environment, the specializations of medical staff, the amount of attention given to instructing interns, and the terms of the internship.