15th workshop Matching in Practice

Our 15th MiP workshop will take place in Mannheim (ZEW). Our keynote speaker will be Nikhil Agarwal (MIT). The topic for the policy roundtable is “Kindergarten matching practices in Europe”.

Program Friday Oct 12



Registration and Lunch

Room Brussels

Efficient and (Pretty) Fair Course Assignment with Quotas

Stefan Waldherr, Technical University of Munich, DE

Co-authors: Martin Bichler (TUM), Alexander Hammerl (TUM), Thayer Morill (NC State)


Room Brussels

Trading Networks with General Preferences

Jan Christoph Schlegel, City University London, UK


Room Brussels

Strategy-Proof Exchange under Trichotomous Preferences

Alexander Westkamp, University of Cologne, DE

Co-authors: Vikram Manjunath (Ottawa)



Coffee Break

Room Brussels

Prior-Free Online Mechanisms for the Dynamic Queueing Problem

Yan Long, New York University Abu Dhabi, UAE

Co-authors: Sambuddha Ghosh (Shangai), Manipushpak Mitra (ISI Kolkata)


Room Brussels

Stable and Efficient Task Assignment to Pairs

Pietro Salmaso, University of Padua, ITA

Co-authors: Antonio Nicolò (Padua), Arunava Sen (ISI New Delhi), Sonal Yadav (Padua)


Room Brussels

Matching with Myopic and Farsighted Players
Ana Mauleon, Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles, BE
Co-authors: Jean-Jacques Herings (Maastricht), Vincent Vannetelbosch (CORE)



Coffee Break

Room Brussels

Complexity of finding Pareto-efficient allocations of highest welfare

Peter Biro, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, HU

Co-authors: Jens Gudmundsson (Copenhagen)


Room Brussels

Stability in College Admission Problems with Weights

Nadja Stroh-Maraun, University of Paderborn, DE

Co-authors:  Britta Hoyer (Paderborn)



Policy Roundtable: Kindergarten matching practices in Europe



Program Oct 13, 2018


Room Brussels

Welcome and Introduction to ZEW

Professor Achim Wambach, President of ZEW, DE


Room Brussels

Kidney Exchange in the Shadow of Desensitization

Julien Combe, University College London, UK

Co-authors: Yinghua He (Rice), Victor Hiller (Paris II), Olivier Tercieux (PSE)


Room Brussels

Assigning Civil Servants by Drawing Lots in Imperial China

Inácio Bó, WZB Berlin Social Science Center, DE

Co-authors: Li Chen (Gothenburg)


Room Brussels

Why are schools segregated? Evidence from the secondary-school match in Amsterdam

Sándor Sóvágó, University of Groningen, NL

Co-authors:  Hessel Oosterbeek (Amsterdam), Bas van der Klaauw (VU Amsterdam)



Coffee Break

Room Brussels

Do“Short-List”Students Report Truthfully?Strategic Behavior in the Chilean College Admissions Problem

Tomas Larroucau, University of Pennsylvania, USA

Co-authors: Ignacio Rios (Stanford GSB)


Room Brussels

Expanding “Choice” in the “Boston” School Choice Mechanism

Benoit Decerf, University of Namur, BE




Room Brussels

Empirical Analysis of Matching Markets

Nikhil Agarwal, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA



Group Picture and Farewell

Scientific committee: Juan Pereyra (Universidad de la República), Josue Ortega (ZEW), Alex Westkamp (University of Cologne) and Thilo Klein (ZEW Mannheim)

Registration: https://www.xing-events.com/15thMPWS_Participant.html

The recommended hotel for participants is the H+ hotel

More info (directions etc) available on the conference website.

14th workshop Matching in Practice



Program, Matching in Practice Workshop, Cologne


March 16th & 17th, 2018

All talks, lunches and coffee breaks take place in the seminar building of the University of Cologne.  The address is Universitätsstr. 37, 50931 Köln. A campus map can be found here.

Financial support by the University of Cologne and the Reinhard-Selten Institute is greatly appreciated.

Friday, March 16th

12:00 – 1:00pm Lunch

1:00 – 3:00pm: Session 1

  • https://www.dropbox.com/sh/i09cizpolus2d7x/AAChpNciE3RulM5uAxEmHYX2a?dl=0&preview=Biro.pdf,
  • Matching with Myopic and Farsighted Players, Martin Bichler, Sören Merting, and Aykut Uzunoglu

3:00 – 3:30pm Coffee Break

3:30 – 4:50pm: Session 2

4:50 – 5:00pm Coffee Break

5:00 – 6:00pm: Policy Roundtable ; Voluntary Participation in centralized matching schemes

  • with Patricia Thomanek and Caren Bergs (Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung), Thilo Klein (ZEW Mannheim), Dorothea Kübler (Berlin Social Science Center – WZB).
  • Thilo Klein’s presentation

7:15pm Dinner at Haus Scholzen (Venloer Str. 236, 50823 Köln, http://www.haus-scholzen.de/)


Saturday, March 17th

09:00 – 10:20am: Session 3

10:20 – 10:40 Coffee Break

10:40 – 12:00: Session 4

12:00 – 12:15 Coffee Break

12:15 – 1:15pm Keynote Lecture

  • Fair Matching under constraints, Fuhito Kojima, (joint work with Yuichiro Kamada)
  • 1:15 – 2:15pm Lunch



    Accommodation: Rooms have been reserved at the Park Inn (and not the Novotel as indicated in the email). The rate is 80 Euro per night (including breakfast) for a single room. Those who need accommodation (and do not give a talk at the workshop) should reserve their rooms before February 15th, 2018 by writing an email to [email protected]  and mention the code “matching in practice”. Rooms can be reserved at that rate for any subset of the nights between March 15th and March 18th.

    Scientific committee: Peter Biro (Hungarian Academy of Science), Juan Pereyra ( Universidad de la República) and Alex Westkamp (University of Cologne)

    Acknowledgement: Funding from the Reinhard Selten Institute gratefully ackowledged.



    11th workshop Matching in Practice (joint with Advances in Market Design)

    Our next Matching in Practice workshop will take place in Paris at the Paris School of Economics on June 2 and 3. The first day will be a regular MiP workshop with Nicole Immorlica from Microsoft Research as keynote speaker and a policy round table on the allocation of social housing. The second day will be dedicated to Advances in Market Design. Participants are welcomed to register before May 20 at http://pseumrsg.wix.com/matching.




    09:00 – 10:00: Nicole Immorlica (Microsoft Research New England): Efficiency guarantees in Market Design

    Coffee Break

    10:30 – 12:30: Contributed Sessions

    Bary Pradelski (ETH Zurich) : Evolutionary dynamics and equitable core selection in assignment games

    Britta Boyer (U Paderborn) : Matching Strategies of Heterogeneous Agents in a University Clearinghouse

    Andre Veski (TU Tallinn) : Efficiency and fair access in kindergarten allocation policy design


    13:40 – 15 :00: Contributed Sessions

    Inacio Bo (WZB Berlin) : Iterative Deferred Acceptance Mechanisms: Theory and

    Experimental Evidence

    Vincent Iehlé (U Paris Dauphine) : A centralized matching market with early matches

    Coffee Break

    15:30 – 17:30: Focus session on the assignment of social housing

    David Cantala (Colegio de Mexico): Matching through institutions

    Neil Thakral (Harvard): Matching with stochastic arrival: Theory and application to public housing

    Jacob Leshno (Columbia): Dynamic matching in overloaded waiting lists

    17:30 – 19:00: Round Table on the assignment of social housing in France and Europe

    Jean-François Arènes (APUR, Paris), Nathalie Demeslay (Rennes métropole — TBC), Laurent Ghékière (Union Sociale de l’Habitat, Bruxelles), Cyrille Van Styvendael (Est-Metropole- Habitat, Villeurbanne)



    09:00 – 10:00: Itai Ashlagi (Stanford): What Matters in School Choice Tie-breaking? How Competition Guides Design

    Coffee Break

    10:30 – 11:30: Yinghua He (Toulouse): Information Acquisition and Provision in School Choice

    10:30 – 11:30: Irene Lo (Columbia): A Continuum Model for the Top-trading Cycles Mechanism


    14:00 – 15:00: Yusuke Narita (MIT): “Match or Mismatch: Learning and Inertia in School Choice

    15:00 – 16:00: Adam Kapor (Columbia):  “Heterogeneous Beliefs and School Choice

    Coffee Break

    16:30 – 17:30: Nick Arnosti (Stanford):  “Centralized Clearinghouse Design: A Quantity-Quality Tradeoff